Tutorial: Modelling and Configuring Hardware Flow Tables with Linux
The flow API provides a mechanism to expose a model of the devices packet processing pipeline and an interface to configure the device. The API is flexible enough to express many different hardware configurations and packet formats.
Linux can support many devices with very different capabilities ranging from host NICs with only basic filtering functions up to full fledged switch ASICs. We expect this API can support many of these devices and have implemented the API on Rocker switch.
When using the API the general flow should be, (a) query the device to learn what headers it supports, (b) query the device to learn what actions it can perform on these headers, (c) query the device to learn what tables it has and what headers/actions each table supports. Then the user space application or kernel consumer can configure the device to match its requirements. The application may find the device does not support every match/action it wants to perform. Dealing with this “impedance” mismatch is not covered by the API yet. We plan to address this in future work. In general this is best dealt with in userspace where the user can make policy decisions. We will explore this further later.
The examples below use a user space tool denoted ‘flow’ which exists on github at,
The tool is a new tool that we may possibly try to merge with iproute2 package at some point. The rational being the iproute2 package already consists of many Linux networking tools.
The kernel has been modified with a set of patches to consume the new netlink API and also enable the rocker driver to support this model it can be found here,
A more experimental branch exists on its own tree here but without any support for rocker. I recommend using the above for this tutorial but if you want to see/explore where we might be headed try this tree,
The API is built on top of the Netlink infrastructure and uses a new netlink family.
The rocker switch we enabled requires an updated qemu that is posted at,
There is a README file that explains how to install qemu for rocker support.
This tutorial is an attempt to introduce the Flow API and walk through the various pieces both users and developers may find interesting. The examples use the code repositories above. The easiest way to explore the API (for me at least) is to walk through the above (a) - (c) below under “Capabilities”, followed by a session showing configuration, and finally some remarks on the infrastructure and comments.
I should say much of this work has been based on previous work such as P4 (p4.org), ForCES (IETF), OVS (openvswitch.org), and many others.
The Flow API is built to expose a pipeline model based on tables of the device. We model a set of tables arranged in a graph with packets being sent through the graph. Each table supports a set of matches and a set of actions.
The Flow API provides an interface to query each of these. Using Netlink messages.
Message Format
The message format consists of nested attributes for the capabilities used to describe the pipeline. The two key values used to look up the device are [NFL_TABLE_IDENTIFIER_TYPE] and [NFL_TABLE_IDENTIFIER]. We added a specific attribute to give the identifier type to handle different types of keys. At the moment the only key supported is the ifindex value of the net device to configure. In the future we may support switch device type or silicon that does not expose any net devices.
The attributes are defined as follows,
NFL_HEADERS: Gives a list of all headers the device can parse.
For example this may define an ethernet header,
a VLAN header or even a special non-standard foo
header the device knows about. Each header is define
using a bitwidth layout.
NFL_ACTIONS: Gives a list of supported actions and the arguments
the actions take.
NFL_TABLES: Gives a list of tables and each tables supported
matches and actions. Along with table attributes
for example the size of the table.
NFL_HEADER_GRAPH: In addition to reporting just the headers the
device can parse it is also important to know
what orders headers may appear in. For example
some devices can support Q'in'Q others can not.
Still others may support parsing TCP after VXLAN
other only after GRE, etc.
NFL_TABLE_GRAPH: Gives a graph showing how tables may be traversed
along with how the packet traversal may be chosen.
Taking OVS as an example we would report a fully
connected graph with packet traversal determinded
by the goto_table metadata field. With the default
being a linear traversal.
These attributes appear sufficient to describe a reasonable set of devices. One of the advantages of using Netlink (a TLV formatted protocol) is we can extend the attribute if/when we determine we need to.
The headers attribute is used to describe the set of headers supported by the device. Devices wanting to support this attribute need to implement the net device op,
struct net_flow_hdr **(*ndo_flow_get_headers)(struct net_device *dev);
Which provides a list of pointers to header types. This is not required to be static but at the moment the rocker switch only supports a single set of headers defined in ./drivers/net/ethernet/rocker/rocker_pipeline.h
struct net_flow_hdr *rocker_header_list[] =
Lets examine the vlan header,
#define HEADER_VLAN 2
struct net_flow_hdr vlan = {
.name = "vlan",
.field_sz = 4,
.fields = vlan_fields,
A header consists of a name which is a human readable string. This is not used by any logic but merely helps users identify the header. The UID must be unique to the device. Finally a list of fields is supplied,
struct net_flow_field vlan_fields[4] = {
{ .name = "pcp", .uid = HEADER_VLAN_PCP, .bitwidth = 3,},
{ .name = "cfi", .uid = HEADER_VLAN_CFI, .bitwidth = 1,},
{ .name = "vid", .uid = HEADER_VLAN_VID, .bitwidth = 12,},
{ .name = "ethertype", .uid = HEADER_VLAN_ETHERTYPE, .bitwidth = 16,},
The field list provides the fields in the header and the bitwidth of the fields. From this structure we can construct a the packet format. Notice the similarlities to P4.
The logic in flow_table.c will encode this in a netlink message and send it to the initiator of the message. The message format looks like this,
The flow tool referenced in the introduction can query a device for this information and print it to the screen.
#flow -i eth1 get_headers
ethernet {
src_mac:48 dst_mac:48 ethertype:16
vlan {
pcp:3 cfi:1 vid:12 ethertype:16
ipv4 {
version:4 ihl:4 dscp:6 ecn:2 length:8 identification:8
flags:3 fragment_offset:13 ttl:1 protocol:8 csum:8
src_ip:32 dst_ip:32 options:*
metadata_t {
in_lport:32 l3_unicast_group_id:32 l2_rewrite_group_id:32 l2_group_id:32
Here we can see the rocker switch which is behind “eth1” supports ethernet, vlan, and ipv4. Then a set of metadata_t values. Metadata are set by the switch after receiving a packet see in_lport for an example of this. Also there is metadata that can be set via actions (discussed below). The metadata might be used to determine the packets next table for example. In the rocker switch we have l3_unicast_group_id, l2_rewrite_group_id and l2_group_id. These can be set using a corresponding actions and then latter in the pipeline matched on.
User space can infer the meaning of some metadata fields by looking at the packet processing pipeline. In the above example the last 3 group fields can be inferred because they are only ever set by reported actions. However another class of metadata is either set before the packet processing pipeline is entered or is used outside the packet processing pipeline. In both these cases the metadata and specifically its use needs to be “known”. In the above example in_lport specifies the ingress logical port the packet was received on. There is no way to learn this from the flow API so some set of metadata must be standardized across devices. This is not ideal but I don’t think it can be resolved.
The next piece is to understand how headers are related. This is important to learn what is supported by the device, ‘rocker’ in its current state will support a single 802.1Q VLAN headers but not more than one. If we did not have a mechanism to report this our appications could erroneously expect the hardware to match IP packets with multiple VLAN tags.
For this devices need to implement the ndo op,
struct net_flow_hdr_node **(*ndo_flow_get_hdr_graph)(struct net_device *dev);
this returns a set of nodes and edges that build a graph describing how headers are related. Again we can look at rocker_pipeline.h as an example,
struct net_flow_jump_table parse_vlan[2] =
.field = {
.header = HEADER_VLAN,
.value_u16 = 0x0800,
.field = {0},
.node = 0,
int vlan_headers[2] = {HEADER_VLAN, 0};
struct net_flow_hdr_node vlan_header_node = {
.name = "vlan",
.hdrs = vlan_headers,
.jump = parse_vlan,
Each node has a user friendly string name a unique id, the header it is parsing and the jump table. We need to have a unique identifier here which we refer to as an “instance” to identify which header we are referencing when we may have multiple stacked headers. In the above example we see ‘HEADER_INSTANCE_VLAN_OUTER’ however there may also be a ‘HEADER_INSTANCE_VLAN_INNER’ used to represent the inner VLAN header if we have two stacked VLANs.
The jump table, in the above example ‘parse_vlan’, is a null terminated array of next nodes. The field and value_u16 values are used here to determine the next node. As we may know the ethertype for IPv4 is 0x800 so the next node is the IPv4 header. Non-exact matches may also be supported by supplying a mask field to match multiple entries. If no next node is found we expect that no further headers will be used. Returning to our multiple stacked VLAN header example above we can see the Rocker pipeline would abort processing headers if the VLAN header does not have an ethertype of 0x0800 corresponding to IPv4.
The entire graph can be returned in text via
#flow -i eth1 get_header_graph
I however find this a bit tedious to read so we can print it in ‘dot’ format which is easy to graph using graphing tools by adding the ‘-g’ option,
#flow -g -i eth1 get_header_graph
Shown here printed using the graphviz toolset,
Metadata values which are not part of the actual parsed packet are shown here but not included in the parse graph. We model metadata as fields so that they can be matched on and actions can reference them with out using additional mechanisms. It seems to work reasonable well.
This completes the headers attributes and graphs. Next we will want to query the device to learn the actions supported on these packets.
Devices report the set of actions they support by implementing the correct ndo op,
struct net_flow_action **(*ndo_flow_get_actions)(struct net_device *dev);
And then just like before we can review an example in rocker_pipeline.h.
struct net_flow_action *rocker_action_list[10] =
This is the structure returned by rocker_pipeline.h to the get_actions operation. Each of the specified actions is defined further in the pipeline model providing a user visible string, a unique identifier for the action, and description of the arguments it takes. In this way a device can support arbitrary actions for the user to use and provide the semantics arguments. Take a look at ‘set_l3_unicast_group_id’,
struct net_flow_action_arg set_group_id_args[2] = {
.name = "group_id",
.value_u32 = 0,
.name = "",
struct net_flow_action set_l3_unicast_group_id = {
.name = "set_l3_unicast_group_id",
.args = set_group_id_args,
Here the user name string is supplied along with the uid and arguments. The arguments specified is a U32 value called “group_id”. The argument list is a null terminated array and may contain multiple arguments each with its own type. In the example above only a single argument is used.
You may have noticed something here. Although this gives us a list of actions we can perform on a packet and a set of argument to give the action so we can use them it does not supply any description of how the packet or metadata are modified by the action. Many of the actions in rocker switch should be clear from the user friendly name. We would expect “set_eth_src” for example to set the ethernet source address and similiarly “set_eth_dst” to set the ethernet destination address. Also ‘copy_to_cpu’ most likely copies the packet to the CPU port. Although this is perhaps passable for human consumers of the API it makes it challanging to programatically interface with the API. For now we rely on some basic naming conventions such as set{field_name} indicates an action is going to set the field value or pop{field_name} will pop the tag of the packet. Subsequent work is being done to provide a description using a meta-language so that users can “learn” how actions modify packets and metadata.
Users can query the device using the command line tool flow as shown here,
#flow -i eth1 get_actions
1: set_vlan_id ( u16 vlan_id )
2: copy_to_cpu ( )
3: set_l3_unicast_group_id ( u32 group_id )
4: set_l2_rewrite_group_id ( u32 group_id )
5: set_l2_group_id ( u32 group_id )
6: pop_vlan ( )
7: set_eth_src ( u64 eth_src )
8: set_eth_dst ( u64 eth_dst )
10: check_ttl_drop ( )
With these three commands get_actions, get_headers and get_headers_graph a user can learn what types of actions and headers are supported by the packet processing pipeline. Whats left is to determine how many tables are supported? What order are the tables traversed? And what match actions does each specific table support?
To describe the pipeline we use a set of tables that report the actions and headers they support. Here is an example from the rocker switch,
#flow -i eth1 get_tables
ingress_port:1 src 1 apply 1 size -1
field: in_lport [in_lport (lpm)]
vlan:2 src 1 apply 2 size -1
field: in_lport [in_lport (lpm)]
field: vlan [vid (lpm)]
1: set_vlan_id ( u16 vlan_id 0 )
term_mac:3 src 1 apply 3 size -1
field: in_lport [in_lport (lpm)]
field: ethernet [ethertype (exact) dst_mac (lpm)]
field: vlan [vid (lpm)]
2: copy_to_cpu ( )
ucast_routing:4 src 1 apply 4 size -1
field: ethernet [ethertype (exact)]
field: ipv4 [dst_ip (lpm)]
3: set_l3_unicast_group_id ( u32 group_id 0 )
bridge:6 src 1 apply 6 size -1
field: ethernet [dst_mac (lpm)]
field: vlan [vid (lpm)]
5: set_l2_group_id ( u32 group_id 0 )
2: copy_to_cpu ( )
acl:7 src 1 apply 7 size -1
field: in_lport [in_lport (lpm)]
field: ethernet [src_mac (lpm) dst_mac (lpm) ethertype (exact)]
field: vlan [vid (lpm)]
field: ipv4 [protocol (lpm) dscp (lpm)]
3: set_l3_unicast_group_id ( u32 group_id 0 )
group_slice_l3_unicast:8 src 1 apply 8 size -1
field: l3_uniscast_group_id [l3_unicast_group_id (exact)]
7: set_eth_src ( u64 eth_src 0 )
8: set_eth_dst ( u64 eth_dst 0 )
1: set_vlan_id ( u16 vlan_id 0 )
4: set_l2_rewrite_group_id ( u32 group_id 0 )
10: check_ttl_drop ( )
group_slice_l2_rewrite:9 src 1 apply 9 size -1
field: l2_rewrite_group_id [l2_rewrite_group_id (exact)]
7: set_eth_src ( u64 eth_src 0 )
8: set_eth_dst ( u64 eth_dst 0 )
1: set_vlan_id ( u16 vlan_id 0 )
5: set_l2_group_id ( u32 group_id 0 )
group_slice_l2:10 src 1 apply 10 size -1
field: l2_group_id [l2_group_id (exact)]
6: pop_vlan ( )
In its entirety rocker is currently being modeled with 12 different tables. Let look at one,
ucast_routing:4 src 1 apply 0 size -1
field: ethernet [ethertype (exact)]
field: ipv4 [dst_ip (lpm)]
3: set_l3_unicast_group_id ( u32 group_id 0 )
In this table the first line shows some table attributes. The name ‘ucast_routing’ this is human readable string it is not used in any logic. There is a ‘src’ attribute used to define how tables are partition physical hardware resources. This is used with the DYNAMIC table flag. When a table has the DYNAMIC flag set we can use create/destroy commands to sub-divide the table space. In the current rocker model this is not supported. In a follow on tutorial we will discuss the dynamic table usage in depth.
The apply field is used to indicate when actions are applied. In rocker switch actions for each table are applied at the egress of each table. Or at least this is how the model works and the underlying driver ensures any rules can rely on this behavior. We can “learn” this from the above output by looking the ‘apply’ field. All actions in the same apply group will be applied at one time. So if a packet traverses a set of tables all in the same apply group any actions will only be applied once the table leaves that apply group. We will show some examples of this in a follow up tutorial as well.
The above table description reported by the ‘get_tables’ command gives a description of each table but does not show how packets traverse the tables. To learn this traversal users can run,
#flow -i eth1 get_graph
This will show a text output giving the edges and nodes describing how packets get sent through the above tables. Each node will represent a table from the ‘get_tables’ command and each edge a criteria that has a qualifier to determine if a packet will follow this edge. A qualifier will typically be a field match and mask. For example a typical edge might be qualified with ‘ethernet.ethertype = 0x0800’ to indicate all IPv4 traffic should be sent over this edge. The tool will attempt to make the output as readable as possible and may substitute well known values with their string equivelent. It may for example replace a field+mask with unicast or multicast if it is well known.
As above to get the graphical version which is easier to read add the ‘-g’ option,
#flow -g -i eth1 get_graph
For the driver developer tables and table graphs are supported by implementing the following two ndo operations,
struct net_flow_tbl **(*ndo_flow_get_tables)(struct net_device *dev);
struct net_flow_tbl_node **(*ndo_flow_get_tbl_graph)(struct net_device *dev)
The table structure is defined in include/linux/if_flow.h as,
* @struct net_flow_tbl
* @brief define flow table with supported match/actions
* @uid unique identifier for table
* @source uid of parent table
* @size max number of entries for table or -1 for unbounded
* @matches null terminated set of supported match types given by match uid
* @actions null terminated set of supported action types given by action uid
* @flows set of flows
struct net_flow_tbl {
char name[NFL_NAMSIZ];
int uid;
int source;
int apply_action;
int size;
struct net_flow_field_ref *matches;
int *actions;
Here each of these fields corresponds with the fields listed in the output from the flow tool. Both matches and actions are null terminated arrays of matches or actions. Each are referenced by their unique id which can be seen in the output from the ‘get_actions’ and ‘get_headers’ commands.
The netlink format is similarly sensible.
enum {
Where hopefully the mapping from the structure to the attribute list is obvious. Here ‘NFL_TABLE_ATTR_MATCHES’ and ‘NFL_TABLE_ATTR_ACTIONS’ are nested attributes.
With the capabilities built up we can now add match/action rules to the tables. This is done using a netlink encoding of the net_flow_field_ref structure.
* @struct net_flow_field_ref
* @brief uniquely identify field as header:field tuple
struct net_flow_field_ref {
int instance;
int header;
int field;
int mask_type;
int type;
union {
__u8 value_u8;
__u16 value_u16;
__u32 value_u32;
__u64 value_u64;
union {
__u8 mask_u8;
__u16 mask_u16;
__u32 mask_u32;
__u64 mask_u64;
A flow match is uniquely defined by the instance, header, and field identifiers.This maps to the ‘get_headers’ command above. The mask_type specifies the mask being used. Currently supported are ‘exact’, ‘lpm’ (longest prefix match), and ‘mask’. Exact match types do not specify a mask_u# value. And if they do it is ignored. for ‘lpm’ and ‘mask’ types a mask_u# must be specified which matches the ‘type’. LPM masks must be a bitmask with 1’s followed by 0 for example a valid LPM mask might be (given in hex)
mask_u16 = ff80
An invalid LPM mask would mix 1’s and 0’s an invalid mask is given below in binary.
mask_u16 = b1101 0011 1111 1111
This would however be a valid NFL_MASK_TYPE_MASK value. The enumeration of the types is below and may be extended as needed
enum {
Currently the flow API supports a limited set of types that seems sufficient to work with most header types.
enum {
However the messaging and API is designed to allow for this to be extended. If it is discovered that more types would be useful then we can define additional types.
The drivers support adding and removing rules by implementing the ndo operations,
int (*ndo_flow_set_rule)(struct net_device *dev,
struct net_flow_rule *f);
int (*ndo_flow_del_rule)(struct net_device *dev,
struct net_flow_rule *f);
It might be worth calling attention that get_flow commands are handled by the logic in flow_table and require only minimal driver interaction. The driver must call the init and destroy code paths when tables are brought online and destroyed. This is possible because flow_table.c keeps a resizable hash table per flow table in the model and tracks what rules have been added/remove.
Using the flow command tool to set rules use the ‘set_flow’ sub-command shown below. In this examples we dump all traffic with an ethertype 0x0800 (ETH_P_IP) to the cpu from ingress port 1 and vlan id 10. And also set the VLAN ID to 10 on ingress traffic of port 10. The tool syntax input and output could use some work but hopefully this shows the usefulness of the API.
#flow -i eth1 set_flow prio 1 handle 4 table 3 \
match ethernet.ethertype 0x0800 0xffff \
match in_lport.in_lport 1 0xffffffff \
match vlan.vid 10 0xffff \
action copy_to_cpu
table : 3 uid : 4 prio : 1
ethernet.ethertype = 0800 (ffff)
metadata_t.in_lport = 00000001 (ffffffff)
vlan.vid = 000a (ffff)
2: copy_to_cpu ( )
#flow -i eth1 set_flow prio 1 handle 4 table 2 \
match in_lport.in_lport 1 0xffffffff
action set_vlan_id 10
table : 2 uid : 4 prio : 1
metadata_t.in_lport = 00000001 (ffffffff)
1: set_vlan_id ( u16 vlan_id 10 )
Then the flows can be queried for the table using this command where min/max are the minimum handle id and maximum handle ids that should be returned. This is useful when the table contains many rule entries.
#flow -g -i eth1 get_flows 3 min 0 max 10
table : 3 uid : 1 prio : 0
metadata_t.in_lport = 00000001 (00000001)
ethernet.ethertype = 0800 (0000)
ethernet.dst_mac = 52:54:00:12:35:01 (52:54:00:12:35:01)
vlan.vid = 000a (ffff)
2: copy_to_cpu ( )
#flow -g -i eth1 get_flows 2
table : 2 uid : 1 prio : 1
metadata_t.in_lport = 00000001 (00000000)
vlan.vid = 0100 (0000)
1: set_vlan_id ( u16 10 )
In the next tutorial we will show a slightly more interesting example that utilizes more tables and does something “useful”.
Tables can also be created and destroy with the following sub-commands ‘create’ and ‘destroy’. However rocker switch does not currently support this yet so we will demonstrate this in a future tutorial.
What’s up next…
The next useful thing to do is build a more interesting example with multiple switches each with multiple ports. We can tackle some more interesting use examples such as MAC/IP rewriting, drop packets, etc.
Additionally we still need to address the ability to create and destroy tables in the API which hopefully should be a short tutorial on its own. Rocker does not currently support this but a test tool flowd emulates hardware in user space and does have support for it. Also we have plans to add additional “worlds” to rocker to support dynamic table creation. This work is TBD.
Then the next topic is mapping models onto the hardware model. This is useful when software wants to work with a single model across multiple hardware devices.
Thanks and hopefully this was helpful.